2018 Community Garden Kick-Off Meeting
Interested in being involved in Midway Community Garden? Come to the community meeting, Tuesday, Feb 27 at 7pm in the Midway Presbyterian Church library. We will discuss plantings and plans for this year!
Sunday Worship 11:00am
Cultivating Together God's Love for All in Jesus Christ by Feeding the Hungry and the Hungry of Heart
A Congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
Interested in being involved in Midway Community Garden? Come to the community meeting, Tuesday, Feb 27 at 7pm in the Midway Presbyterian Church library. We will discuss plantings and plans for this year!
For up-to-date information and to contact us, please 'like' the page, Midway Community Garden!
Join us in the Garden every Saturday through mid-October at 10am!
Some come a little early (around 9am) to beat the heat.
Workers may take a share of the produce. Remaining harvest goes to Woodford County Food Bank or to the Free Community Dinner at Midway Christian Church (4th Monday of every month).
Come enjoy, weed, pick any time. The Garden is always open.
Email us at office@midwaypresbyterian.org if you'd like to be added to our Garden announcement email list.
We will be planting WEDNESDAY, MAY 10 at 4:30pm. Hopefully the weather will be a bit warmer and drier!
Email us at office@midwaypresbyterian.org to get on our Garden email list for the latest updates
Our BIG day of planting Tomatoes, Beans, Peppers, etc. Plants and seeds are provided. Come and help put in our next big crop. The Garden is for the Community!
Lettuces, spinach, mustard greens, turnip greens, kale, collards
Rain date: Sunday, March 26, 1pm
Potatoes, Onions, cabbage, broccoli
Great experience for kids and adults. Garden experts and novices welcome!
Thursday, March 2, 6pm in the Fellowship Hall
Bring your ideas and your interests for the 2017 Garden.
Stay tuned for Spring Planting days!
Email us to be added to our Garden announcement list!
We weed, plant, water, and tend the crops in the Garden. We talk and theorize and commiserate about life. We enjoy hard labor and good laughs. You are invited!
Workers may take home part of the bounty of that day. The rest is given to the Woodford Co. Food Pantry.
If you can't make the Saturday work days, come another day and pull weeds and take a harvest home and share with a friend.
The Garden works best when we all pitch in!
Saturday, April 30, 2016 at 10am;
Come plant tomatoes, peppers, and the like! This is one of the best days to get in the garden!
Back-up Rain Date: Sat. May 7, 10am
Get on our Garden email list! Contact: janiceholland@windstream.net