What will you Experience during Worship at our Church?
We hope you will meet Jesus and encounter the goodness and grace of God.
Are Children Welcome?
Yes! We love to include children in worship as much as possible because we want children to learn that they belong there!
Child appropriate busy-bags are available to kids for worship time. We also offer a library space and a nursery space equipped with speakers from the sanctuary where parents may take children if they need a breather.
What is a typical worship service like?
PRELUDE—Worship begins with a musical selection allows you to calm your heart and spirit.
CALL TO WORSHIP—Verses from the Bible (printed in our service bulletin) are read between a worship leader and those in the audience (congregation). The words invite us to remember that God is good and holy and just.
HYMN—We sing a song of joy and praise to God together from our hymnal (song book)
CONFESSION—We pray a prayer (printed in the bulletin) that invites us to look at how we have not acted like we were made in the image of God, and how we need God’s mercy to start again.
PARDON—The minister reminds us of God’s amazing love in Jesus Christ and that we are a new creation. (PASSING OF THE PEACE may be included here; the people are invited to shake hands with those around them, sharing grace and saying, ‘the Peace of Christ be with you’)
GLORIA PATRI— a response we sing that expresses our gratitude for God’s mercy.
CHILDREN’S MESSAGE—DUE TO COVID19, we are not asking children to come forward at this time. Hopefully, in the future, we will get back to it! (We encourage children to stay in the sanctuary throughout worship. A children’s activity center is located in the back corner. Children’s busy bags are available in the front entrance room. A DIY nursery is available upstairs for adults who wish to accompany children there. There are speakers in the nursery and the library—the room behind the folding doors—so the service can still be heard.)
SCRIPTURE READINGS—Selections are read from the Bible. The congregations listens for what the Spirit is saying to them with these words.
SERMON—The scriptures are explained so we may understand the good news in the story of God and our calling to live faithfully.
HYMN—a song of reflection and dedication
AFFIRMATION OF FAITH—A creed or statement of belief is read in unison. These statements are from our Book of Confessions, which leaders have put together over the centuries.
INVITATION TO SERVICE—Congregation is reminded of opportunities to serve their community.
OFFERING—We offer our lives to God as well as our tithes (a percentage of our income) and gifts.
DOXOLOGY—A response we sing as we present our offerings to God.
THE LORD’S SUPPER—On certain Sundays, we remember Jesus by coming together to eat his bread and drink his cup. Each person receives a piece of bread and a cup of grape juice. In this act, we remember his sacrificial love, his faithfulness, his forgiveness and his command that we love one another. Our table is the Lord’s table. And Jesus invites all who hope to meet him.
PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE—we offer our thanksgiving to God for our blessings and we offer our joys and our concerns to God for those in our community. There are prayer papers to submit prayers anonymously. There may also be an open time for sharing. Prayer is not the work of a single person, but of the whole congregation.
HYMN—A song of our joyful mission in the world.
CHARGE—We are reminded of the work God calls us to do in the world.
BENEDICTION—We receive God’s blessing in order to be a blessing to others.