Midway Presbyterian Church

Sunday Worship 11:00am

Pastor Mary is on Sabbatical from May 27-Aug 18;

Rev Dr. Melissa Sevier is our Sabbatical Pastor!

Cultivating Together God's Love for All in Jesus Christ by Feeding the Hungry and the Hungry of Heart

A Congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) 


April 2016

Our spring crops are in!

We will be scheduling a weeding day this month as well as some time to work on the Pollinator Garden PROBABLY April 23.

If you'd like up-to-date information from our email list, please email the church to get on our garden info list.

Check out our Facebook page!


First Planting Days for Midway Community Garden 2016


Friday, March 25


Planting lettuces, kale, collards, radishes, turnips, spinach, potatoes and onions



Wednesday, March 30


Planting broccoli, cabbage, and carrots

Work gloves and tools are available or bring your own.



Work on our new pollinator garden will be on-going this spring. If you'd like to get involved in this, give us a shout. We will be revamping our flower space to make it more friendly for butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. They are important for our garden too!


Community Garden WORK DAYS 2014

Interested in gardening?

Good, because we are too.

Along with our more traditional plots, the garden also has areas designated for special use

Along with our more traditional plots, the garden also has areas designated for special use

Now, we aren't professional, mind you. We are just a bunch of folks who like the idea of growing things and learning things and getting that little bit of joy you get when you sweat and make your muscles sore and when the work means meeting others and sharing food with others.

WORK TIMES ARE AT 10:00 AM ON SATURDAYS through June, July, and August.

If you come earlier, say around 9am, there will be people out digging too.

Community Garden FAQs

  • Do you have individual plots? NO. We work on everything together.
  • Do you have to do anything in order to have some produce? NO. This is all a gift of grace. We need more grace in the world, don't you think?
  • Do you have to bring tools? NO. We have some available. Mostly though you can use your hands.

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