Midway Presbyterian Church

Sunday Worship 11:00am

Pastor Mary is on Sabbatical from May 27-Aug 18;

Rev Dr. Melissa Sevier is our Sabbatical Pastor!

Cultivating Together God's Love for All in Jesus Christ by Feeding the Hungry and the Hungry of Heart

A Congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) 


Sunday School

Sunday mornings at 10:00am we offer educational opportunities for all ages! For 2022, our adult class is reading A People’s History of Christianity by Diana Butler Bass.

Our middle-school, high-school youth are diving into deep issues of faith and practice.

Our elementary aged youth share Bible learning time with Midway United Methodist, right across the street.


Virtual gathering to discuss the week’s scripture selection for Sunday. Usually taken from the Revised Common Lectionary. Led by Pastor Mary


Because we have taken COVID19 precautions seriously, we have not had many gatherings. We look forward to being present together more in the near future!

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